Facebook Advertising


Target - Test - Track - Optimise

Where Google dominates the search market, Facebook is the big player when it comes to social media platforms. With over 2 billion, yes 2 billion active users and those users spending a lot of time on Facebook, it’s a given that Facebook is almost always the first stop for businesses like yours when it comes to social media advertising. Targeted advertising on Facebook can be highly effective, thanks to the depth of knowledge Facebook has about it’s users, their interests, their behaviours, demographics, locations and more.


Facebook Ads Agency

Here at Optimyzd we are experienced in handling large scale advertising campaigns on Facebook, so your campaigns can hit the ground running. As always, showing a targeted message to a targeted audience, you will always see better results.


Facebook Ad Objectives

What’s the campaign objective? Are you looking to build brand awareness? To get people to interact with your brand? Drive consideration of your product or service? Drive leads? Get people to download your app? Sell your product or service online? By identifying the campaign objective, we can then make the best use of the different formats and targeting Facebook has to offer.


Facebook Ad Formats

Facebook has numerous ad formats available and depending on the goals of your campaign, some of these ad formats may be better suited than others. We have listed a few below, but if you need any guidance about which formats or campaigns would work best for your business, get in touch.


Photo Ads


Photo ads are the standard format for a lot of advertisers. They offer a clean and simple format that features one single image with descriptive text above and a title below along with a call to action button.


Like a lot of ads on Facebook, quality imagery here is key. Images of people using your product or service will generally perform better, than just the product itself.


Video & Gif Ads


It’s no secret that video is hugely popular and when it comes to Facebook advertising, good quality videos can have great results. Animated GIFs can also capture users’ attention.


Due to the popularity of smartphones, vertical video is catching on fast and is another format to consider testing for your social media campaigns.


Video ads must capture people’s attention early, make a clear message and be designed to work with the sound on or off.


Stories Ads


As one of the newer features on Facebook, Stories offers a full screen and immersive experience for users on smartphones. Due to this, Facebook Stories Ads can really extend your reach and engagement for your users. Stories Ads can run on Facebook and Instagram.


Carousel Ads


Facebook Carousel Ads gives you the option to add up to ten images, each with their own link. This can be used to show numerous products, focus on one with numerous images or tell a story/explain about your business, product or service.

Benefits Of Advertising On Facebook

Facebook has over 2 billion users and is the world’s third most viewed website. Only Google and YouTube have more!
On average, 75% of Facebook users are on the platform every day.
Highly targeted ads to the right audience at the right time = Better results for advertisers.

We work directly with Facebook and have access to in house support, technical support, training and more. To get these and many more benefits for your business, get in touch with us today to chat about your next Facebook marketing campaign.


Get in touch for a chat

We are happy to chat to businesses small, medium or large about how our services can benefit you. Naturally, it’s no obligation. We can meet at your office, at ours, on the phone or on a video call, whichever you prefer.