Up To $3,000 Credits Every Month For Your Non-Profit

We understand how precious advertising is for non-profits. You want to make the most out of every penny, guaranteeing that your investment is fruitful. From calls to donations, and volunteers to event signups, Optimyzd is here to help.
Microsoft Ads for Social Impact is a fantastic initiative set up to benefit all eligible non-profits with an Ads grant up to $3,000 a month to spend on search advertising. It is a new scheme so it would be ideal to get on board early and working closely with Microsoft could lead to further advantageous opportunities down the line.
It’s easy to compare Microsoft Ads to Google, with similar UI’s and ad layouts. However, we know that each platform is unique, and each offer needs to be carefully tailored to match our clients’ requirements.
With this in mind, we will always look to provide truly unique packages between the two search advertising platforms. This will make it clear what can be achieved across both offers and the steps we take on both sides.
Our team has specific non-profit training across a variety of platforms, so not only can you rest assured that your Microsoft Ads will be highly optimised and effective – the reporting will be clear and concise and the collaboration efficient and meaningful.
Our mission to provide the best possible service includes all of the legwork. We will get you signed up to Microsoft Ads, and provide you with all of the necessary information needed so the registration process goes smoothly.